Community Discussion Policy

The following text serves as the official discussion policy for users of Forefront’s social networking tools. All participants are required to follow these rules, in addition to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for Forefront Networks.

The intent behind Forefront is to gather the best ideas in a community to address our biggest challenges. This policy is designed to foster an environment where that can happen. If you break these rules, you should anticipate that we will block your comments.

Keep it constructive.  Many of these issues require frank discussion and we aren’t always going to agree with each other, but please try to disagree without being disagreeable. Focus your remarks on positions, not personalities. No personal attacks, name calling, libel, defamation or hate speech. Never post anything that could be taken as threatening, harassing, bullying, obscene, pornographic, sexist or racist.

Don't use obscenities.  This isn’t church, but keep your language clean. We want people to feel welcome and respected in this environment. You are talking with folks that might not have the same standards as you, so let’s keep it civil and don’t let obscene language distract us from the important discussions at hand.

Please stay on topic. Let your comments add depth and breadth to the topic. Don’t derail the discussion at hand. If you see a comment off-topic, or offensive, ignore it. If a spammer, or hate-filled Troll makes their way into the forum, don’t feed them with your time and energy. Stay focused on the topic and make the community and the exploration of the idea stronger.

Don't spam, Don't self-promote.  Don't use the site for sending unsolicited advertisements, commercial messages, or bulk messages for nefarious means. If there's a good and relevant site you want to share, send it along only if it fits with the context and purpose of the discussion. Remember that there's a fine line between enthusiasm and self-promotion; assume that sharing other sites is self-promotion unless you're really sure it isn't. If we find you're hitting up our forums and link section for the wrong reasons, we'll terminate your account and delete your posts. If you see a problem with this, please report it.

You are solely responsible for the content you post.  Forefront is not responsible for the content posted by its users. We do not and cannot review all user content posted. However, we have the right (but not the obligation) to review, screen, delete, edit and/or move any content posted on this site.