Special Issue

This one goes to 11.

Anyone who has been in Austin for longer than five minutes probably was not surprised when the Census Bureau named Austin the 11th largest city in the country. News of our growth is all around us: City Hall is bursting at the seams. New and established companies are hiring. The housing market is blooming. But even while we grow, our culture remains intact: what other city can secure national acclaim for food trailers and vegans in the same month?

In honor of our 11th spot on the charts, Forefront Austin highlights eleven stories that while our own little River City is Boom Town, we are growing in a style that keeps this the place we all love to call home.

How Tourism Keeps Austin Working
Hospitality isn't just good manners—it's good business, employing thousands of Austinites, generating millions in revenue and supporting the vibrant culture that keeps tourists coming back and residents happy.
Bob Lander tells us how it happens »

Protecting Green Spaces from the Squeeze of a Growing Population
As the population of Central Texas grows at record rates, one concern is protection of green spaces and natural areas
Find out how the Hill Country Conservancy and the Austin Parks Foundation are working to ensure our grandchildren will enjoy the parks, lakes and natural areas amidst dramatic population growth. »

Two solid green investments: A large retrofit and a smaller new build
When is going green a sound business decision in the building industry? Two Austin examples show the thought process and the potential return on investment behind the decision.
The Austin Convention Center and LifeWorks chose sustainability despite challenges »

The Green that PeopleFund Spreads is Good for Business and the Community
Nurturing the growth of small businesses that provide jobs and benefits to the Central Texas community is PeopleFund's mandate.
One successful client shows how a demand for recycling and composting led to its growth »

As Fortunes Rise in Central Texas, Providing a Ladder to Everyone
Austin is one of the fastest growing and most successful cities in the country. Yet, the hectic work schedules and technology associated with success are causing a decline in civic engagement, meaning that we might not notice those who are being left behind.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area and The Arc of the Capital Area are working to ensure that our booming city offers opportunities and a secure future to all residents. »

How Latinos are shaping Central Texas
While close to 20 percent of all Travis County residents live in poverty, more than a quarter of Latinos fall below the poverty line. And the Latino population is increasing at a dramatic rate. El Buen Samaritano is an outreach ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and committed to helping Latino and other families in Central Texas lead healthy, productive and secure lives.
View the Infographic about thier mission. Link »

Serving the Youngest and Oldest: Is Austin Doing the Job?
With a booming young population and a Senior Tsunami on the way, Central Texas faces challenges across the aging spectrum.
See how two organizations, Family Eldercare and Communities in Schools are approaching the ends of this spectrum, aligning regional resources to serve the youngest and eldest in our community. »

LWhat is Gross Domestic Happiness? And Why Does it Matter?
Life satisfaction with one's locale is a concept that's been building steam since first emerging in 1972 in the Asian kingdom of Bhutan
Austin is measuring the life satisfaction and happiness of its citizens. »

Diagnosis: Rising Demand for Health Care, Treatment: Innovations in Health Care Delivery
population. Two champions of innovative health care delivery discuss new models to shape the health and wellness of Central Texas in the coming decades.
Read the Interview »

Cultivating an Austin Technology Community
Why is a professional network like a silicon chip? As Matt Genovese explains, the more layers and connections you have, the more you can spark innovation, create a stronger workforce and build your business.
Read how Door64 gets tech workers out of the lab to build a different kind of network »

Diplomas to Dollars: Why High School Diplomas are Critical to the Central Texas Economy
Of every eight new jobs in Central Texas, how many will a high-school drop-out qualify for? Zero. Here's a vivid picture of just how much each level of education can raise overall lifetime earnings—and why the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Austin's 97 percent graduation rate is so vital to our future.
View the Boys & Girls Clubs Infographic Now »