About Jeremy Kaspar
National Director of Development - Marathon KidsĀ®

Jeremy is a native Texan who began his career in development as an intern. Since then he has worked with numerous local and national organizations including a $75 million national campaign called Imagine No Malaria. Jeremy is now pleased to serve Marathon Kids and to be living in his favorite city, Austin.

What is the most rewarding thing about working in public/social service?
I love what I do. I am thrilled that every day I get to wake up and know that my actions are helping to make children healthier and happier.
What particular experience in life prepared you for leadership?
I think that the best advice for life and leadership came from my mother. She always said that you make the best decisions you can make, with the information at hand, given the time you have. Honestly, I've found that to be true time and time again. Looking back with different information it's easy to see your mistakes. However, looking back at decisions you've made and really understanding the context of that decision is much more useful for true self-evaluation.
What is the one thing you would like to tell the Austin Community about your organization?
I think the best and probably least known fact about Marathon Kids is that a University of Texas School of Public Health study showed that children in our program showed significant upticks in athletic self-perception. That means that a child who didn't think that they were athletic or even had the ability to be athletic now knows that they can. That really means something in the life of a child. That makes me proud.
What gadget can't you live without?
One thing I can't live without is my iPad. I read on my iPad every night and I can't imagine my life without it.
What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
When you were 10, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was 10 I wanted to be a chemist. I was fascinated with modern potions.