About Forefront
  • What are the critical issues facing Austin?
  • How do they affect me, my friends, my job, my family?
  • Who are the thought-leaders and organizations addressing these issues?
  • What can I do to get involved?

Forefront Austin wants to help you answer these questions. Each month we highlight an issue that affects the broad community and bring together local thought-leaders to share their perspectives, research, successes and challenges. We focus on big questions that affect all of us, with an informative, fact-based and non-partisan slant.

Our goal is to encourage a more informed and engaged community. As you read and learn about the issues facing Austin and the organizations that are working to improve the quality of life for all of us, we encourage you to take an action; volunteer, read more, comment, donate; however you are moved.

Please let us know what you think of Forefront Austin; what was helpful, what wasn’t, what you’d like to see more of. Email us at feedback@forefrontaustin.com.


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