
Achieving Educational Excellence Through Innovation
Issue: December 2011

Manor Independent School District has committed to promoting 21st Century learning skills in all classrooms and supporting a graduate profile consisting of communication skills, critical thinking skills, collaboration skills, technology literacy skills, and habits of work ethic. This commitment to 21st Century education and engaged learning found its roots in the vision of the Manor ISD Board of Trustees.

During the 2010-2011 school year the Board of Trustees developed a mission of "Achieving Excellence through Innovation." This vision was built upon the belief that all students in the Manor Independent School District would have access to curriculum and lessons, which will prepare them for a success in 21st Century society. The vision was developed to guide administrators, teachers, students, and the community at large towards a unified vision.

The first phase of communicating this vision to the greater Manor ISD community was to create the "Achieving Excellence through Innovation Advisory Team." This team included parents, community members, teachers, campus administrators, central office administrators, and students. The team met six times over the course of the school year, and each time additional members were invited. Approximately 200 people participated on the advisory team throughout the school year. The team identified skills and characteristics students need to acquire, in order to achieve personal success and become effective contributors of society. The team defined innovation and what it means to be innovative in the 21st Century. After the team discussed implications for classroom instruction based on the idea of innovation, the team reviewed a draft of the proposed board policy regarding 21st Century education. The policy was broken into small segments for members to review and provide feedback. Corresponding district goals were also reviewed. The team identified current practices, which were in place that aligned to the vision and goals. They then brainstormed suggestions of practices they felt should be implemented to further reach the goals and vision of the district. The meetings concluded with "next steps" for the team to take on in the upcoming school year.

During the 2011-2012 school year, phase two implementation of the vision began. An important component of phase two was for the Board to transform last year’s goals into a district mission, aligning to the district vision. Additionally, a new set of specific goals was developed to serve as a roadmap toward the district vision. Phase two also involves a district "scale up" of best practices and 21st Century educational practices. Professional development and campus walkthroughs support the scale up model to ensure implementation with fidelity. During this phase a second set of "Achieving Excellence through Innovation Advisory Team" meetings will continue to take place. This team will continue with its charge to support 21st Century education, and thus "Achieve Excellence through Innovation."